The Joker is actually...Robin?

Brace yourself, guys, because this one is going to blow your mind. In the comics, one of the Joker's most infamous crimes was murdering Jason Todd, the second Boy Wonder to take on the mantle of Batman's sidekick, Robin. But eagle-eyed fans have a theory positing that Jared Leto's Joker in the upcoming Suicide Squad film isn't the original Joker at all, but actually a deranged Jason Todd taking up the identity of the insane killer who destroyed him! The main clue? Matching bullet wounds on Leto's Joker and on the desecrated Robin costume in Batman v Superman's Batcave. Furthermore, the "J" inked on Leto's face matches the branding Jason Todd had in Batman: Arkham Knight. Mr. J doesn't seem like the kind of villain who'd tat himself up with Joker-isms, but a traumatized person obsessed with him might.


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